Been a rough week as far as the old bod goes... Monday after coming home from work I felt kinda queasy, and that progressed to full-blown wanting to throw up, sweaty forehead and back of the neck, bloatiness, lying on the cold bathroom floor, etc... NOT fun! I'd planned to take Tuesday and Wednesday off from work as vacation days so I could go get the garden started (first nice weather in ages!), only to switch 'em both to sick days as I stayed near the bathroom at home. While I never threw up (haven't since the 9th grade!), I had PLENTY of reasons to run to the bathroom - nuff said!
So we pretty much assumed I had the stomach bug that seems to be sort of making the rounds... Got over the symptoms by the end of the week and was back to work on Friday.
Last nite - woke up around 130am - same stuff all over again - nausea, bloatiness, acid reflux big time. Came down and did a little web research - mixed up 1 tsp of baking soda and some water to drink. That really helped - within an hour I was back in bed. Deciding this might be more stress related rather than a bug, I decided to try something I know is supposed to help alleviate stress - make a list of all the things you have on your mind that you need to accomplish - a To Do list. And then, as you clear them from your head, and especially as you're able to cross things off, you're supposed to find more relief. I filled up two legal pad pages, including: three web sites I need to be working on; the two trays of cookies, fudge and peanut brittle I need to have prepped by the end of the week that one of Brett's coworkers has paid me to make; figure out if I can get a rototiller in my car; get said rototiller out to the garden and FINALLY get started (weeks late); get some new computer parts finally ordered; get more Pro-Mix from Donzell's and get the peppers potted up, and more...
Well the baking soda trick must've been the bigger solution at 130am because I was back up around 430am - more acid reflux. Came downstairs, did the same treatment, and slept sitting up in the comfy chair here in my office.
Brett thinks I've maybe got an ulcer. Fun!
Today we got Rolaids, Tums, and some generic version of Xantak (?) that Brett had me pick up while we were in Walmart. Oh - and my exciting snack while watching Nanny McPhee? Saltines! (Which, actually, ARE a nice snack - would've liked 'em with butter!)
We'll see how things go tonite! I managed to cross off seeing X-Men (hey, I added a few fun things as well), get all the ingredients for the cookie trays, get the tiller, order the computer stuff, and a couple other things. Hopefully this has me on the right track! :)
Jeph, for goodness' sake, go see a doctor! No, really. Good that you can do Web research, but if it all keeps up, get some outside assistance.
Besides which, the thought of downing some baking soda mixed into water is making ME ill!
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