Monday, May 21, 2007

Glorious Soup

"There's never anything good to eat around here!"

You know how the saying goes. And when you're the primary cook in the house, you're entitled to say it as well. Sometimes nothing already made sounds good, you don't really want to cook a big meal, but you're too lazy to go out and get something (or are trying not to spend the money).

Well, I lucked out here - threw some chicken broth in a pot with garlic and ginger, added some rice noodles I bought awhile back and meant to try, added some frozen edamame and fresh broccoli, then some soy sauce, sesame oil, fish sauce, oyster sauce and a little rice vinegar. Plunk in some frozen cocktail shrimp. And finally snip on some freshly picked baby bok choy, baby spinach and baby swiss chard.


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the ginger tabby said...

Mmm...that's sooo what I feel like right now!!

Jeph said...

It was good stuff - even now that the weather's warming up, soup can still be what you need to hit the spot!