Thursday, July 24, 2014

Garlic green beans

What to do when the green beans just keep coming!?  The small colander in the picture below was WAY too small for me to take out for bean picking - I only got about halfway through the row.  Since there's already a big bag of beans in the fridge, I figured the rest could wait another day...

Try this recipe - Garlic Green Beans.  

While there's a Spanish name for the recipe, it's very similar to the garlic green beans we get at a local Chinese buffet (maybe they add a touch of sesame oil?).  Since Brett was off at a work function, and I was having a leftover enchilada for dinner, this seemed like a nice accompaniment...

Since I had extra cilantro, I snipped some on the beans....although I didn't use enough to be especially noticeable.  And you'll notice I ignored the "snip the tips off the beans" part of the recipe.  Why snip off those tips?  They're just fine!

This stuff was like crack - couldn't stop eating, and kept plowing through until I was uncomfortable...

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