Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hungry for corn

The first plantings of two different varieties of corn are doing as planned.  Even though they were planted on the same day, the variety farthest to the left is tasseling and (not visible in this picture) forming the very beginnings of corn ears further down the stalks.  The taller variety in the middle of the bed, even though planted on the same day, isn't ready to tassel yet.  This is what I was hoping for to prevent cross pollination.

A second planting of each, planted a few weeks later, is where things could get complicated - what if the earlier variety syncs up with the first planting of the slower variety, or something like that?  I doubt this will happen, but it's all an experiment and we'll have to see how it goes.

And then there's the fact that I clearly planted too many seeds for the space and didn't thin things out.  To try to compensate for this, I've given them a feeding of general purpose granular fertilizer, and they're probably about due for another.  Plus I have to make sure they're not hurting for water, which hasn't been a problem until this week.  Good thing I put down soaker hoses in the bed before they got too tall!

Also looking like it needs some TLC are the pumpkins or gourds at the far left of the bed in front of the corn.  Those yellowy leaves are from the plants that volunteered in a front flower bed.  I transplanted them and they did great for a long time.  Plants from the same volunteers, split off into a different bed, are doing much better - greener leaves, fruit formation, etc.  I watered these yellowy ones with some water soluble fertilizer today, and will see if that does anything for them.


Sue said...

I didn't thin my corn either, and I hope I don't end up regretting that. Something was eating it at first, so I wanted to leave as many as possible growing. And the next thing ya know...........BIG CORN.
Your garden looks terrific!

Jeph said...


I'm worried we'll have a big storm come through and blow them all over, especially since they're crowded together and the roots are probably fighting for a grip. I always think "maybe a thicker patch will buffer them better from the wind", but last year we had a storm come hit and it looked like a tornado sat right down on the corn, bending many of them over.

I'm ok with BIG CORN - what I really want is BIG CORN ON THE COB! ;-)