Monday, September 22, 2014

Plum blooming in September?

Ok, what's this all about??  One of my European plum trees and one of my Japanese plum trees have each put out a few blooms this last week.  Don't they know it's the wrong season?  I read that this can be a result of stress.  Well let's see....the Japanese plum shouldn't have been too stressed - it's in a nice big bed with lots of space, had fresh lawn clippings and ramial wood chip mulch added awhile back.  I guess the deer did snack on some of it's branches, but that was early this summer.

The pic below is from the European plum, which the deer stripped down quite a bit this spring.  So, yeah, maybe it's still stressed.

Neither tree should be stressed from too much or too little water - it's been a pretty good year for rain, without major standing water in months.

Wonder what this winter and next spring will bring for these guys - hopefully some plums!! 

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