Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I was a bit busy with cranking stuff through the kitchen the last couple of days, and have more plans in the near future!

First I made four 1/2 pints of dill beans, adjusting the recipe slightly since I didn't have red peppers but DID have some hot peppers and jalapenos (and another recipe for the same thing I'd been given awhile back called for all jalapenos). I also upped the garlic a bit - so hopefully once these beans are done pickling or whatever it is they do, they'll have some kick!

And last nite I figured I better use up the 4 bananas that were on the verge of getting too ripe. Since the last round of banana bread I made, which I experimented with and added frozen blueberries to, went over so well at work, I figured I'd do the same thing again. Just dumped some frozen blueberries into a mix of flour and granulated sugar, stirred 'em around in the dry mix, then stirred just the dusted berries in the banana bread batter. REALLY GOOD! I figure the flour/sugar mixture is mainly to stop the berries from sinking (the same is done with chocolate chips in batters), but I added the sugar just in case the berries weren't sweet enough.

As you can see from the pics below, I made two loaves with the four bananas. Last time I only took a half loaf in to work and it was wiped out in no time. This time Brett and I each got a full loaf to take in, and both were down to just a slice or two shortly after lunch, so I guess they're a hit! :)

I've got two zucchini on the kitchen counter - I figure it's time to make more zucchini bread next, eh?


Anonymous said...

Pickled beans?? Sounds good but I've never heard of that before...

Jeph said...

Well, technically they're called dill beans...I don't remember that I mentioned that in the blog entry. They're kinda funky. Do you like that kinda hot "garden mix" or giardelli (sp?) mix, where it's usually a combination of carrot slices, cauliflower chunks, small peppers, and maybe some other stuff (small onions maybe?). It's basically that flavor, but with beans.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, I love that pickled mix of veggies! I'm sure I'd love your dill beans, too :)

Peter said...

So, Brenda is muscling in on the beans I covet?

The Yellow Dog Speaks said...

Oh Man!

It's after 10:30pm and I told everyone at work that I would be bringing in Banana nut bread tomorrow.

Well, I guess that won't be happening.

Jeph said...

But the nice thing about banana bread is it takes NO TIME to make.

Now that baking for 50-60 minutes (per most recipes I've seen) - that could keep you up past bed time!