Thursday, August 31, 2006

Busy Day!

Today's the day Brett and Jay head on out to Halifax. Brett had us all up bright and early (aka 430am!), and after some shuffling around, packing things up in the car, etc I dropped them off at the Akron Canton airport.

The Akron Canton airport is down in the same direction as one of my major weaknesses - Chick Fil A. Well it's a good thing Chick Fil A isn't open at 6am!

Came back, fired off some "ha ha, I'm going back to bed and you have to work" emails to friends, and in my email to Sharon (who didn't have to work or go to class today) I mentioned I was tempted by Chick Fil A.

Went to bed, having set the alarm for 8am. Yeah, right. Hit snooze til 930am (it's my mutant power - for a good chunk of that time I'm not even aware I'm hitting snooze!). Stayed in bed a little while longer since the kittens were in bed entertaining me (dozing off, wrestling with each other, giving me love, etc). Got up, checked email, and there's a proposal from Sharon - do I want to join her in her mattress shopping excursion, which would take her down in the direction of Chick Fil A - we could do lunch.

I'm in!

Called her, worked out the plans for later in the day, and got distracted by the kittens. Here's Simon outdoing himself...

Tucker and Moxie were also up to no good - now he's teaching her his bad habits, like getting up on top of the entertainment center. Like she's not good enough at stirring up trouble on her own!?

Notice how her eyes just pretty much disappear in most photos!? She's a master of disguise - she can be in the shadows watching us and we never even realize it sometimes! Plus she's so fast that it's next to impossible to get a good picture of her while she's awake.

After losing some time to that I ate a quick bowl of cereal (Cocoa Krispies!), jumped in the car, drove to the garden, and picked veggies.

Came back from the garden, hopped in the shower, and it wasn't long after that that Sharon showed up. She got to play with the kittens, and then we headed on out for lunch (YAY CHICK FIL A!) and her mattress shopping. Man, that girl was on A LOT of mattresses today! Bouncey bouncey bouncey! Got home around 330 or 4, played with the kittens some more, and then after she left I stalled for awhile before starting on cleaning and organizing - gotta have this place tidied up so we can put it on the market reeeeal soon!!

But how am I supposed to keep working so hard, when there are constant distractions like this?!?!

(Hint: Moxie's cleaning Simon's paw!)

(Awwww...they really like each other! Before now, all they did was pretty much chase each other around and wrestle!)


This is what I have to tolerate in the chair right next to me while I work on the computer!

Sorry, but something like that just can't be avoided! ;-) 'Sides, I've got through Sunday evening or Monday to do the cleaning/organizing work, plus make pickles (they're sitting in salt now), make plum jelly for the first time ever, get some client work done, etc etc I can pace myself! :)

Almost time for dinner - which means a break from work. I think it's gonna be leftovers from the homemade pizzas we fed Jay last nite, plus brownies and Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge chunk ice cream - yum! (I have yet to get to try the Sticky Toffee ice cream Dave's been raving about!) Maybe I'll get some reading in, or watch a movie. Still need to watch Dad's House of Flying Daggers so I can return it to him next time we visit my folks...

Y'know, I look forward to some "alone time" at home once in awhile, but it's really lonely without Brett here. :( Could be a long 4 days!


Peter said...

The veggies are gorgeous, of course. Did you survive the first night alone? Any report from the boys out east?

Anonymous said...

Sure you may miss Brett, but your home is filled with kitten-y goodness!

Stunned Donor said...

I really like that basket the veggies are in. Kitties are pretty darn cute.

Dave E. said...

Aww! When do I get to meet Simon? I'll bring ice cream ...

Well you know my name is Simon /
and the things I draw come true ...

Anonymous said...

Peter says the veggies are gorgeous. I say the kitties are gorgeous!

Perhaps letting kittens or cats fight it out is a good idea, if they end up all snuggly like your kitties, eh?! :) Ours are definitely not friendly towards each other, unfortunately. Might have something to do with their age difference, too. They're almost 10 years apart.

The Yellow Dog Speaks said...

Just so you know, I have declared that a Chick fil A sandwich MUST be my last meal on earth.

Jeph said...

Yup, survived the first nite. I appreciate the quiet time to myself, but at the same time it's SOOOO quiet sometimes! PLUS I can't watch our recorded shows from earlier in the week til Brett gets back! ;-)

Nothing new from the guys.

LOTS of kitteny goodness. Had some more "kitten napping on me" time while watching some tv.

The garden basket is a Maine Garden Hod - you can actually find 'em all over on the web these days. I HIGHLY recommend getting the larger one (which is what I got for my dad and brother), and I only got myself the smaller one (was testing before getting one for either of them). They're GREAT! Very sturdly and rugged.

Dave - we have to be careful. Simon's taken quite a liking to people food. He's VERY determined to get some....and something tells me he'd LOVE the ice cream! I was fighting him, Moxie and Tucker for my peach yogurt tonite - but I didn't fight too hard! ;-)

We'll have to figure out when you can come see 'em - just so long as you promise not to sing that song. Since we're calling him "Simon" I keep catching myself STARTING to sing that song but then I go astray...

My name is Simon / I live on the second floor / I live upstairs from you

Oops - Suzanne Vega keeps slipping in!

The kittens DO do a lot of wrestling still, but it's definitely not mean like it was at first. They really love hanging out, walking alongside each other, or crossing each others paths, etc. Oh, and getting under foot (MY foot!) is another favorite game of theirs. They each have different tactics - Moxie lets you almost trip on her and then she darts ahead, while Simon just seems to appear between your feet and gets all cuddly about it, looking innocent.

And I'm with you, Yellow Dog - Chick Fil A would be a most excellent last meal!!! ;-)

Stunned Donor said...

Siamese are notorious food thieves, one of our used to steal my dinner from my high chair when I was a toddler if my Mom wasn't watching.

One of my earliest memories is of the cat stealing a piece of chicken off my plate and my Mom chasing it around the house.

Jeph said...

Little Moxie's the same way actually - while she hasn't run off with any of our food yet, I won't be surprised if she sneaks something before long. She's super sneaky when she wants to be, and she looooves food!

I'm not sure Simon can put it all together to pull off a stunt like that!? ;-)