Tuesday, August 22, 2006

PS3 vs Wii - Apple Style

I'm completely ripping this off from Bravehound's entry - it's just that funny! ROFLMAO!

Brett's been both skeptical and then incredibly excited about picking up the Wii sometime after it comes out. Just watching the videos ads of people models using it is highly entertaining, flailing their arms all around the place with the two part controller. I admit I'm skeptical - it's pretty far removed from what people are used to when it comes to playing video/console games. Then again, I remember how freakish the mouse seemed when it was first introduced (dating myself there!). And, yes, I remember when computer files were stored on floppy disks (har har) or, to really put the point home, I remember when files were stored on AUDIO CASSETTES! Talk about noisey when you were reading them back off the cassette...


Stunned Donor said...

I have a fully functional Tandy laptop that runs on D batteries and stores data on audio casettes. The "screen" shows three lines of data and I believe the computer has about 8K of RAM.

It's a piece of crap now, but back in the day I wrote much code on it in BASIC.

Dirty Fingernails said...

that is freakin strange...

Jeph said...

Oh I remember that father-son bonding experience of getting the monthly magazine for the TRS-80, with all the lines of code. Usually he could just type in the program, but sometimes I'd read it off to him and he'd type it or, later, as I was learning to type, we'd exchange the roles.

You'd spend WHO KNOWS how many nights typing in all those lines (for the bigger apps), then debugging, and finally getting a program to run that...well...man, I can't remember what any of the programs were. But I'm sure they were worth all that typing! ;-)

Dave E. said...

Ah, yes, waxing nostalgic here myself, remembering my beloved Commodore 64, the painfully slow 'datasette', then moving up to the big leagues with the 1541 disk drive (5 1/4" truly floppy floppy disks) ... [grin] And all those lines of BASIC from Compute! and Byte magazines - ugh!

I still occasionally toy with the idea of getting a small Commodore logo tattoo on my shoulder. Ridiculous, perhaps, but uncommon, no? :-P

Jeph said...

Admit it - you just want to smack her shiney red bum!

Stunned Donor said...

I finally watched that video and the slutty girl that's supposed to be the Wii totally stole her performance from
Mary Garlington (LuLu Fishpaw in Polyester).

Dave E. said...
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Dave E. said...

Yeah, I want to smack her around some, but it's not quite the same thing ...

Jeph said...

You two are no fun!

Stunned Donor said...


If you're so enamored with the Commodore 64, there's a Flash based emulator: http://osflash.org/fc64/