Monday, September 25, 2006

Jeph's Super Fantastic TV Review: Jericho

So there's this small town in Kansas (aren't all towns in Kansas small on the tv shows?) called Jericho, and a whole network of characters interacting, and as the pace quickens in their own personal stories, a mushroom cloud rises on the horizon. This, of course, sends the town into panic! We later find that while that mushroom cloud arose from Denver (most likely), Atlanta was also taken out by a nuclear bomb. The people of Jericho, KS don't know if they were accidents or if the US is under attack.

Skeet Ulrich (have always loved his name) is the major player in the CBS show (Wednesday nites at 8:00). Brett and I looooved it. We kinda figured it wouldn't be something worth watching, but the pacing was great, character development seems good, and we were reeled right in. It's set on the DVR to record the entire series now...


Anonymous said...

I love this show, too! I wasn't going to watch it because I figured it would be preachy and pro-war in that tiring "end-times" way. But I was bored a couple of weeks ago and watched the pilot on watched it again on Wednesday. Psychologically, it's thrilling. Oh, and it's on my DVR in case I don't get home on time...

Jeph said...

I didn't know they aired it in advance - cool! Don't you love the internet nowadays? And I'm hooked - at least for the next few weeks!