Sunday, September 24, 2006

Lotsa cooking tonite...

Three out of four isn't so bad, right? In addtion to pot roast (from the new Cooking Light), Mac and Cheese (a recipe from a cookbook I got Brett last Christmas), and Date and Apple Bars (again, Cooking Light), I had ALSO planned to do up some of Aunt Nadine's salsa and can it. But considering I got started at 330 today, I had to accept my salsa. Still, everything else turned out quite good!

Beef Pot Roast with potatoes, carrots and celery

Mac N Cheese

Date and Apple bars

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Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm JEALOUS! I made beef pot roast in my crock pot this weekend (recipe from the latest Better Homes & Gardens) and it didn't look NEARLY that good. Although...Rich loved it and ate it and keeps talking about how good it was.

Jeph said...

The pot roast was REEEEEAL good - and nice and tender too! I PDF'd the recipe and sent it your way (and accidentally sent the Apple Date Bars recipe as well) - so now you can make pot roast and really please your man! ;-)