Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Return of Chest Hair

Noticed this on MSN.com's home page today...

"It's not that I'm a chest hair fetishist, exactly. I just prefer it. The bald male chest is disconcerting to me in the same way that a hairless dog is. It seems unnatural, as though it's been engineered by science, and it's sort of vain. Plus, I like a little something to stroke and pet and tug on, a springy, hairy pillow on which to lay my head. A quick text-message poll confirmed that fourteen of fifteen female friends agreed. "Yes!!!" wrote one. "Liking lush forest!" replied another."

So that's just part of the article - read more here...

So, gentlemen and ladies - what's your take on the subject? Me? I'm all for it! Sure, completely shaved sometimes looks ok when someone's a muscle builder, but even then I'd prefer 'em fuzzy!


Peter said...

No brainer here Jeph: fuzzy!!!!!

the ginger tabby said...

Nope...I have to disagree! I dislike chest hair on guys (a little is fine, of course).

Anonymous said...

What, is that a rhetorical question? You know me: I like lotsa grass on the playground ...

Jeph said...

Fuzzy all the way!!!