Thursday, July 05, 2007

We're still alive!

FINALLY back to blogging - getting emails from all sorts of folks wondering where we are. We've just been REEEEEAL busy!

My folks were down last weekend, and we really put dad to task, installing gas for the stove, waterline for the fridge, garage door opener, electrical throughout basement, CAT-5 for internet upstairs, a new sink and faucet in the kitchen and more. Plus mom was busy unpacking, cleaning, and decorating.

Brett's family helped a ton too - both on moving day, the day after moving day, and then again yesterday (on the 4th of July). Tons of cleaning, organizing, wiring, rearranging furniture, moving boulders around for future landscaping, and more! Whew - I'm worn out all over again just from listing that stuff!!

Just so you don't think Brett and I let everyone else do the work, we've unpacked a ton, found temporary homes for stuff, moved things to the basement, moved furniture, installed drapes, weedwhacked the yard full of waist high weeds, strung internet, set up the entertainment center, stayed home to deal with radon mitigation installation and cable issues, and plenty more!

More yet to do this evening so I don't have time to write more, but I HAVE finally spent some time putting together a web album of pics. I need to get more photos from my mom (who had her camera when I couldn't find mine this past weekend - it was still boxed up) - so hopefully those'll come later. Anyhow, check out these pics if you like - they're almost all from more recent days, and oops, sorry, but there's a lot of similar pics of the backyard, and plenty of the cats...

Pics 2007-07-05 The move and after the move


Peter said...

YAY! YAAAY!!!! A Jeph blog entry!

the ginger tabby said...

Yay! Jeph's alive and well :) Glad the move went well.

Jeph said...

Alive, well and moving heavy stuff!

EostreEgg said...

Congratulations on the new place!

Dirty Fingernails said...

Looks great! how are you enjoying the home

Jeph said...

Hey Carla! Thanks for the congrats - we've toughed out some stressful times with it, and I'm sure there are more we don't know about yet, but we're getting closer to making it "our home" and not having it look like a tornado plowed through!

Yup Ginger - alive and well and finally getting some computer time in! Need to dedicate some time to freelance clients tonite too!

Peter - I told you I'd be back! ;-)

And Dirty (LOVE the new name!) - we're really enjoying it now that there's less unpacking to do. It'll REALLY feel like home once we get a little more organized inside, and get some grass and landscaping in outside!