Monday, August 20, 2007

Let's play fetch!

Tucker's got a number of very odd habits. One of which is pretending he's a dog, and playing fetch with cherry tomatoes in the yard. Back at the condo, he'd delicately pick them up and bring them back (near) to me. He took an interest in doing this again the other day, only after the first one, he kept checking them out, and then deciding maybe he didn't want to put it in his mouth. My guess was that they were picking up a lot of dirt before they stopped bouncing across the yard, and he didn't like the dirt in his mouth?

Anyhow - we finally gave up. Sorry Tucker - wait til we have a lawn next year!

1 comment:

the ginger tabby said...

Aww, what a cutie...he's getting a little heavier, eh?...but still really cute :)