Monday, December 17, 2007

How NOT to decorate your cookies

Or "how your boyfriend can lose his sex appeal"... I'm seriously not taking ANY responsibility for this - aside from the fact that I baked the cookie and said, yes, sure, it was flawed and he could have it.


Peter said...




Okay, given the way he looks in the first photo and my sad, desperate crush on him, I was thinking Brett couldn't look less appealing (and are you feeding him? He's slimming down, isn't he?). And then I read the label on the can.


Promise me you'll come visit for IML so I can feed Brett proper food. Like mussels.


FinnyKnits said...

I would so eat that. And then probably get ill, but still I would eat that.

I'm so WT right now.

Dave E. said...

That stuff doubles as foam sealant, doesn't it?

And while I don't really want to — okay, maybe I do kinda want to, but just for kicks — be all nit-picky and judgmental and engage in brand snobbery, I just can't let this go: that's not even Kraft brand Easy Cheese™, it's Wal-Mart store brand. You realize that means — assuming there's actual dairy content — that it's made from genetically compromised Chinese cows with rickets.

That being said, I've just learned there's a cream cheese variety of Easy Cheese™, and I believe this will one day be my preferred method of suicide ...

Jeph said...

Finny -

You've totally empowered Brett and are making him feel it's cool and sexy to decorate cookies with Cheese Whiz now. Peter and I are going to have a hard time fixing this, I'm sure. Thanks ever so much. ;-)

Jeph said...

Dave -

You make a VERY good point about the name brand issues. I was surprised Brett was buying the off-brand at first, but maybe, in the case of something like THIS stuff, the cheaper the better? Bleh. I could maybe stomach an original/cheddar flavor, but he's been buying pepper jack, which to me seems even worse.

And yes, I bet it COULD be used as a foam sealant. I'm gonna go around and see if the basement needs any caulking! ;-)

One thing the stuff IS good for? Giving Simon his bitter IBS pills. Like Brett, he LOVES the nasty stuff.