Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's the fastest way to get voted off American Idol?

No, it's not sing an awful, spastic high-speed version of a really good Beatles song.

Nor is it have a really good voice but a very fake pleasant personality, coming across more like you're probably the evil diva bitch.

It's be a gay stripper! Sorry David - I think you're a pretty good singer, and would've figured you had a few more weeks, but I have to say I saw this coming after last week's revelations... In fact, I saw it so much, I voted you off (rather than Kristy Lee) in the voting pool some of us have. I scored a point, and Brett didn't. I guess Brett doesn't give the country-loving voters of the mid-west enough credit...

I'd really like to see Kristy Lee stick it out a few more weeks, and just do some honest to goodness country music. Instead we really need to see Syesha and Amanda Overmyer given the boot. I'm a little worried Ramiele is going soon...she was the last to be told she was safe tonite, and her ballads have been a little blah. The girl's got an amazing voice - she just needs to get into it more and have fun on that stage! (Hm, is she even going to want to stay on the show now that all of her obviously-gay best friends have been voted off?)

Oh, and I LOVE seeing Jason Castro's fan base growing. How can you tell? Listen to all the screaming teeny bopper girls when they mention his name! Brett and I have both said we'd probably buy a CD of his, and I admit to buying his "Hallelujah" track from last week... Sure, the guy's goofy as hell, but he's an amazing singer/musician, and I'm sure he's a ton of fun to hang out with. And admit it - the guy's dreamy! (And sounds like he's high 24/7!)

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