Sunday, June 22, 2008

My New Toy

Or, "How To Help Save Water":

Looks like a trashcan, right? I know!

I'd like to introduce you to the Fiskar's Rainwater Collection System.

I've been all hot to set up a rain barrel (or water butt, if you listen to British gardening podcasts) lately. Well, that and set up a worm composter... But each time I check 'em out online, or see them in person in a garden center, they're big gaudy things in faux-wooden-barrel design, or bright green or something weird.

Then Brett saw this beauty in WalMart recently. Ok, it's not pretty, but it's less offensive in that gray color, and really just looks like a trashcan, which many people DO keep on the side of their house. And I really DO hope to help mask it by maybe extending the landscaping around this area.

Unfortunately it's got to be within 3ft of the gutter drain.

I'd decided MONTHS ago which drain I'd hook a rain barrel up to if I ever got one - the back corner one is ideal - it's connected to a lot of the back roofing, and has only one downspout!

The system comes in three parts (three separate purchases): the base, the barrel itself (with spigot and lid), and the water diverter kit. Total - just under $100 (I've seen other systems closer to $150-$200). And that's for the larger 55 gallon system (they also offer one about half the size for roughly half the expense?).

We started clearing the space for the pavers yesterday evening, and got cut short by a storm.

I finished that this morning (I HATE leveling stuff), using sand and gravel, and placing the pavers. I hooked up the spigot in the barrel, and let Brett cut the gutter spout (OMG - it's as bad as sand paper - makes my skin CRAWL!). I hooked up the rest of it after he reassembled the spout/drain. Cool!

A couple hours later a storm hit - I hadn't even checked the weather today.

And within a couple hours after the storm started (it's rained pretty much all afternoon and evening) ALL FIFTY-FIVE FRICKIN' GALLONS ARE FULL! As soon as it hit's max capacity, the water just continues down the spout.


Now I have say the spigot runs a little slow - but if it's full and I need to fill the watering can to water deck plants, I figure I'll pop the lid off and fill 'er up!

And don't worry mom - no, it's not a mosquito nesting ground - the lid has very fine slits (allowing more rain water in) that no mosquito will fit in.

Now my only concern is if the ground/pavers should ever shift. YES, it was level (I checked repeatedly), but this thing weighs 450lbs when full - so let's hope it never tips over! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was looking at the google blog search, and saw your post.

Glad to see Wal-mart is selling a kit now.

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