Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Special delivery!! Where do you want this poo!?

I've given away all my spare veggie seedlings to friends and coworkers over the last few weeks. One coworker, Jen, said her mom would take whatever I was willing to give up - that she's wanting to put in a new garden and hadn't gotten any plants yet.

My response: "Tell her NOT to buy anything until AFTER I've hooked her up!"

Sounded like Jen's mom was quite happy with the wild variety of heirloom tomatoes, plus squashes and a pumpkin or two. Jen even said she was willing to hook me up with some horse manure - that they have horses, and Jen knew I was looking for more sources of manure for the compost. And the kinda source where IT comes to ME? Great!

So today was the day Jen's mom was to make the delivery. You'll notice I keep calling her "Jen's mom" - that's because I failed to get her name when she arrived (oops - it happens). I'm assuming I could safely call her Mrs Matheos (Jen's maiden name), but who knows...

We got along great - she's a neat lady who loves her horses, loves the country life and taking care of her animals, and has some farming background, so in addition to hooking me up with a massive pile'o'poo, she was giving me lots of tips to help out with the garden stuff - add some lime to the manure to help it break down since she beds her horses with sawdust and not straw, which affects the pH; thin the carrots out more or they won't get a decent size; put posts further out from the blueberry bushes and THEN put on the nets so the birds can't get them, etc.

Yup, I even got her to pose for a picture after we finished transferring it to the bin. You'll see the bin is fully loaded behind the trailer it came out of - who knew she'd bring so much!? LOL I've since piled on this evening's grass clippings. Oh, and what do you get someone to say when they're posing for this kind of picture? "Cheese"? Hell no! "Horse manure!" LOL

While she normally has people come get the manure from her if they want it, she was super kind to offer to bring it to me in exchange for all the plants I hooked her up with (plus knowing I don't have a pick-up truck). And here I felt I needed to repay her for all the good compost-fodder and tips, so I sent her home with a bag of today's strawberry and pea pickings... She's already volunteered to bring more manure in the fall for the spring 2009 garden - VERY kind of her!

Oh, and as a bonus, this is the lady who I bought two handmade scarves off've for my mom and sister-in-law for Christmas a year and a half ago (Jen mentioned her mom made/sold them) - and I didn't meet her until just now! So, thanks Jen's mom - here's to you, for all you do, and for your poo! ;-)


Anonymous said...

LOL! Her name is Ruth (or just call her the poo lady).

Jeph said...

LOL! I like that - the poo lady!