Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rough and tumble

People say Tucker's fat.

Sure, he might weigh about 19 pounds, but he's also a plus-sized cat overall. He's just big boned!! Everything about him is bigger - head, paws, etc. (Ok, yes, also the belly)

So, out of concern (and because it's fun), sometimes we try to exercise him. For the most part he wants NOTHING to do with it. He's just not a playful cat...and then on the rare occasions he suddenly decides he wants to play, "Simon the Ruiner" (that's his official medieval title!) rushes in and, well, ruins it by also wanting to play. (Being an older brother, I can sympathize with Tucker)

HOWEVER, when outside and enjoying fresh air, Tucker sometimes decides IT IS TIME TO PLAY! It can be because I'm running the hose (he loves to chase the water and get soaked - odd, hunh?). Or, if I throw small things around, he'll decide he wants to chase them.

But it's GOT to be on his terms!

Now if any of you grow cherry tomatoes of any sort, you'll know you ALWAYS have too many of them. ESPECIALLY if you decide to grow more than one variety. So there's no real loss if you take some of the still-hard unripe green ones to toss around for your cat. And Tucker LOVES this! I can't see the tomato in this picture, but he's about to pounce on it as it lands...

Yup, looks like he got it!

So far this year I haven't seen him do it, but in the past he HAS been known to pick up a freshly "caught" cherry tomato in his mouth, even by the stem if there's one attached, and will bring it back NEAR me. (If you have cats and play catch, you know they don't believe in bringing things TO you. Just NEAR you.)

Ah - looks like he's catching another!

See here - you say he's fat, but he DOES do aerobic exercise!

Annnnnd then, just as I warned, there's Simon the Ruiner... I don't know how many times Simon's watched Tucker play catch for awhile, and suddenly decided he needs to go CHARGING at Tucker. Not to be NEAR him exactly...

...but, and please click on the following image for the full-size version, instead he has to go careening into Tucker. Sometimes it's like he's trying to shove his head up Tucker's butt, or in this case, it was a collision from the side. Seriously Simon - what is up with that?! LOL

Here we go again - full speed rocket Simon! ZOOOOOOM!

Anyhow - for those concerned about Tucker's weight, yes, I'm working on exercising him. It's either that, or you'll have to take all these spare cherry tomatoes! ;-)


Dave E. said...

Now, you know I love Tucker to pieces, but the pic of him reared up on his hind legs makes me think that neighbors who don't know or someone driving by would think, "What was that?! Oh my God, what that a CAT?! I think it was!" Heh heh.

Nixon said...

ok wow, tucker is a BIG BOY! my cats are a whopping 4.2 and 3.7 lbs!
I love how he is only active on his terms!