Is this the beginnings of a tasty treat? Start by sauteing some red onion and eggplant (both from the garden!).
Add in whatever other veggies are coming from the garden - here's some garlic and a variety of squash.
Add in some garden herbs. Yup, sounding like it's gonna be tasty!
Throw in some tomatoes and swiss chard, and, sure thing, it's a tasty treat! This is my new favorite summer dish, and is a great way to use up a ton of veggies. The more it cooks, the more it morphs from a saute into a, uh, stew? I dunno - but it's good. I intend to try it over cooked pasta, over rice, and who knows what else. It's great with grilled pork or chicken.
Is this a tasty treat?
You betchya! I was having some fun - wasn't sure if I was going for art, or a food impersonation of a stop light (that's how it started).
Is this a tasty treat?
I'm gonna have to say "hell no", but it COULD have been for a bird. I cut off the stem it was chewing on, and put the whole thing on the bird feeder. Later that afternoon I noticed it had crawled up under the roof of the bird feeder. Honestly, I have ample tomato green leafy growth - I probably should've just left him where he was. Then again, there's signs there another one working it's way around the volunteer tomatoes popping up in my pumpkins....there's poop all over the place!
Is this a tasty treat?
Thankfully for Tucker, no, he didn't try. It's just a toy. SIMON, on the other hand, did eat one of the locusts, or at least part of it, and was puking for the next hour. I don't know if he got a leg stuck in his throat that was irritating him, or if there was something foul about the taste of the parts he DID eat. Needless to say, he came over and checked out Tucker's locust, and started making gagging gestures. Wow - that's like what the smell of Jaeger can do to me these days!
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