Thursday, September 18, 2008

How you like dem carrots!?

Hey hon, look what I just pulled from the garden! (Yes Brett, they're SUPPOSED to be yellow carrots!)

Oof, they are too heavy - you can not handle my massive carrots!

Ok, yeah, I was being stupid.

And check out all the leafy debris STILL in the yard after I mowed AFTER "hurricane" Ike passed through!


Dave E. said...

daaamn - check out those guns! shameless ...

Peter said...

Dave, I know. He's just trying to pull in some sweet, innocent, young, gay things to lust after those guns of his. Him and his Bubba shirt and cap - a real redneck daddy.

Oh, sorry - nice carrots Jeph!

Jeph said...


Do you want to touch them? I might let ya! But you have to complement them the whole time.

(Ok, I'm grossing myself out)

FinnyKnits said...

First - WOW CARROTS! They are so big! I'm impressed. Your salad should be scared.

Second - WOW LAWN! That is one fine looking lawn you have there. The dog would have a hayday rolling in it. Although I'm sure it's a bitch to mow and keep all purty.

Third - I'm so proud I didn't make any dick jokes. I'm such a grown up.

Jeph said...

Well thank you for not making any dick jokes, as I try to keep this blog super clean, and never EVER use any dirty words. This means making a dick joke, or any other genetalia jokes would be WAY out of line.

Oh, who'm I kidding. Throw out all the dirty jokes that come to mind! Seriously - you haven't met the people I hang out with!!

And thanks more for the lawn comment than the carrot comment actually! Woo hoo!!! Trust me, this lawn was looking BAD earlier in the year. About time to overseed it real soon.