Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Night Smackdown

We just finished watching a buttload of Monday night TV - Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and TWO HOURS of Heroes! We still have tonite's Sarah Connor Chronicles to watch. And then, sometime during the airing of Heroes - we saw the preview that put me to panic. Next Monday night starts the new season of Chuck. During the same time slot as Big Bang Theory/How I Met Your Mother and Sarah Connor Chronicles. WTH!?

Greeeeat, so now it looks like we're going to have to find some online source (Hulu?) to watch at least one of these shows after the fact. And I'm sure something'll come along to mess up the 9-10pm slot, which right now has Heroes vs Two & A Half Men and the new Worst Week, or something like that. I've been saying we need to give up some shows, and I'm willing to break up with T&AHMen, but the lead in Worst Week looks cute. (It's not our fault they lure us in with him basically naked, wrapped up in a towel or plastic or something)

So we'll just have to see how this plays out. TV's getting rough!

PS - What'd you think of tonite's Heroes? Pretty good, eh!?

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