Sunday, December 14, 2008


Doogie had a spa day this past Friday, where he got to go on a little trip, had lots of attention, loved by caring ladies, got in some napping and...

Oh, who'm I kidding. Doogie got a serious work over Friday. He got neutered. Had his rear dew claws (both boneless) removed. Had his last baby tooth removed (it wouldn't fall out naturally). Got "expressed" in the rear end. AND got micro-chipped. Good thing he was knocked out for all of that - I'm sure he would've been miserable, instead of his usual super-happy-puppy-self when I picked him up after work. The ladies at the vet all kept talking about how cute he is (I'm sure EVERYONE hears that), and what a character he is, etc. When I'd called shortly after dropping him off, he was apparently playing with them in the hallways rather than back in a cage.

Our little pooch is quite the ladies' man!

Anyhow, here's what he was looking like after his day spa trip:

Cute little bandage-slippers, hunh?

First we knew he'd have to go to the bathroom, and we have EXPLICIT instructions to not let him go out in the rain and snow without putting on his little "booties" - basically medical fluid bags (NOT the technical term), cut off and with bandage strung through to lace them on. He's REALLY good about wearing them, doesn't seem to mind them at all, and sounds like a house clip-clopping around when he has them on. But his first time wearing them out on the deck, especially since it was icy, wasn't so graceful. Seriously, I didn't want my little boy to grow up to be a ballerina or professional ice skater!

And since he's been real tempted to nibble and chew on his stitches and bandages, he's gotten this toy to distract him. Well, he thought it was a toy at first...

Nope! NOT a toy. Instead it's the most degrading thing that could ever happen to a puppy! How sad does he look here?!

He was real good at letting us know he wasn't happy. He must've stood back in the hallway for five minutes or more, not budging an inch, looking pouty.

Don't believe me?

Seriously - down right pathetic.

Oh, and here's Doogie's impersonation of a martini!

And then he gave us the cold-shoulder treatment. Looks a bit Blair Witch actually...

Brett TRIED to cheer him up, but he just wasn't having it. We finally just left him alone, peeking in once in awhile.

Maybe 20 minutes after he started this cold-shoulder treatment I peeked in, and I guess he'd decided he'd made his point. Suddenly he started wagging his tail and came out to be friendly. And proceeded to bounce into every wall-corner and piece of furniture! Poor guy. Anyhow, a couple days later, when he's tempted to nibble or lick, he gets the collar back on but is much more graceful and cooperative now.

He goes back in tomorrow to have his bandages checked (and removed hopefully?), and next Monday he'll get the stitches out. This means he still might be wearing the Elizabethan collar some this week - poor pooch!


the ginger tabby said...

I'd be pouty, too, if you put that stupid thing on me ;) Seriously, though, I know it's for his own good. He looks so cute. Poor guy, having to go through all that...

Jeph said...

If it wasn't for the cone, and the very rare itching with the bandages/stitches, I think he'd be fine - like nothing happened!