Friday, April 10, 2009


I'm sure you've been wondering "What's going on in the basement these days!?"


Well, I have more current pics than these, but they're still on the camera, and I'm lazy, so this'll have to do...

Here's what my two planting charts look like for the tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatillos and even some napa cabbage:

It seems the charts I designed a couple years ago don't match up with how my jiffy pots fit in the new trays I bought this year - one less row, one extra column. Odd. Oh well - they still come in handy...

And I'm told a number of people I'm real excited about peonies this year... I've been buying mostly DIRT CHEAP root clumps from Walmart and Lowes - usually one or two peonies for $5. Sure, they'll take a couple years to get established for I'm likely to see blooms, but who knows... And you can also see here my new tagging system, using old cut up blinds with the Brother P-Touch labeler.

Here's bags and bags of sweet peas, sugar snap peas and snow peas that I'm sprouting indoors. This is working great - TONS are sprouting (unlike all those rotted direct-seeded ones!), and now I just need to start moving them outdoors.

And here's signs of a small tragedy...dinosaur-sized foot prints stomping through the rain forest. Er. Ah. Simon-sized paw prints stomping through a tray of seedlings. I don't KNOW it was Simon - just a gut feeling. He's the one most likely to visit me when I'm working on this stuff, snooping around, vying for attention, etc. I figure he was either curious and snooping around, or letting the plants know he still outranks them for attention.

Tomato seedlings sprouting - yay! This pick is actually about a week old....nearly all of the jiffy peat pots now have seedlings that are an inch or two tall.


FinnyKnits said...

Naughty kitty!

Meanwhile - you're crazy with all those plants. Makes me jealous for all that space. Hope it stops snowing soon!

Jeph said...

Thankfully we haven't seen snow in awhile, and I don't think our temps are to drop down to freezing anywhere in the forecast...