Friday, May 08, 2009

A week without Sharon...

The Holdermans are leaving for a vacation this week. That means a full work week without Sharon to chat or email with at some point each day! Do you know what this is comparable to?!

Uncontrollable weeds in the flower beds. I've tried removing so many and they just keep coming back! MUST GET MORE MULCH!

Having critters. These little wormy guys are DEVOURING the leaves of one if the two viburnums I put in last summer... They're not as gross as the hundreds of black aphids covering a weed on the side of the house, but they're making a mess of a potentially very decorative plant. It's not one that produces I might have to get series and nuke 'em with something seriously toxic!

Bird schizzle. That's what my Grandma Dorothy calls it. And man, the birds got my car GOOOOOD yesterday while I was at work. I mean, c'mon - hasn't word gotten to the Kent birds that I'm taking seriously good care of the Rootstown birds? I'm on their side! Target someone else's car. (Please note - this is NOT the only place they hit my car - it's just the worst one)

Finding this on your front porch. Seriously - we all knew something bad might come of leaving those two brown-headed cowbird eggs in the nest out front.

Now, after seeing all that, you feel pretty down, and maybe a bit grossed out, right? That's how my next week's gonna be! Allllll because Sharon and Andy feel they deserve a little vacation.





Sharon Andy Holderman said...

I feel so privileged. Honored. And a little grossed out.

But never fear - I will be blogging some and soaking up the rays of sunshine. Yay!

p.s. I'll miss you too!

Andy said...

As far as strange posts go - this one is way up there :)

And I want a vacation too!

Visit (no disturbing imagery there - yet - that I can think of...)

Jeph said...

Glad you guys liked it! ;-)

Kris said...

For those nasty caterpillars try BT - it is natural and not hard on the environment. Look for "organic" or "natural" pest control products containing Bacillus thuringiensis. Remember, this stuff will also kill 'good' butterfly caterpillars like monarch, swallowtail, skipper, etc., so try not to spray onto butterfly host plants. Me, I'm up to here ^ in black aphids right now. grrrrr

Jeph said...

Kris - THANK YOU for the recommendation! I've actually had my eye out for BT for a little while now, and have had NO luck finding it. Do you find it in local stores? (I don't think I checked Donzells when I was last there... Do you go to Donzells?) I even checked Tractor Supply Co yesterday. No luck. (But they have cute baby chicks right now!) I finally just ordered some online...

Do you have the black aphids on your good plants?

Kris said...

Go online to They have all the good stuff for organic pest control. Escar-go is a totally safe way to get rid of slugs/snails. And then there is the GreenStep Caterpillar control product. Check these guys out. They have everything for organic gardening.

Jeph said...

Thanks for the suggestion! I've seen their catalog before... I had already ordered some BT via Amazon, so hopefully it'll show up here any day and I can start protecting the viburnum better!