Thursday, August 06, 2009

Children of Earth

Wow, we LOVE watching Dr Who and Torchwood, but this week we watched the five-part mini-series/season three of Torchwood, wrapping up with episodes 4 and 5 ("day 4" and "day 5" of the story) tonite and, well...

Man. What a downer. I HOPE the series gets picked back up, but it's one of those where you wonder "where the hell can it go from here!??!"

I'm depressed now.

1 comment:

Kris said...

I hope they get another season too! John Barrowman is perfect for the Captain Jack role! I cried for all the lost characters. The writing on that show is just outstanding. (So is Doctor Who -- they've gone WAY beyond the shticky, campy previous Who-ness.)