Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So fuh-reakin' hot!

This past Sunday we got a little higher than we've been used to this summer as far as temps. Rumor has it we hit at least 95! So what did Brett get a taste for?


Ok, hey, it gave me a chance to grab some garden veggies for something he'd actually eat.

While I was out sweating my ass off picking pepper (sweet and hot) and digging up onions...

...I also picked a bunch of other stuff - cucumbers, some tomatoes and a variety of squash.

Brett at work - he may not like to cook often, and when he does cook it's an incredibly labored process with lots of taste testing and adjusting, but when he does it, it's good!

A work in progress - a nice big hot, steamy pot of ever-so-slightly spicy chili for a 96 degree day! Enjoy!


FinnyKnits said...

My eyes just fogged up looking at this.

I think Brett and I are kindred spirits. I usually decide to can tomatoes or bake cookies when it's in the 90s.

I'll have to incorporate chili into that madness.

Jeph said...

Last summer we had friends over for hot and spicy, steaming bowls of gumbo that we ate OUTSIDE in the sun! I'm sure they hated me. ;-)