Saturday, October 03, 2009

20 lbs

Just in case you're wondering, what you see in the bowl here is what 20 lbs looks like!

And that's not including the few extras on the sides - a few more gourds, a bird house gourd that's slowly rotting, and a couple butternut squash (one of which is really oddly shaped!)

Check out that variety - don't they look cool!? I kept saying I wouldn't need to grow more next year since I'm hoping most of these dry nicely, but who'm I kidding? Gourds are fun! I'll probably have to grow them again next year - maybe aiming for different shapes, colors, varieties.... People think I should be selling these, but I honestly doubt I'd make THAT much off've these, plus I want to have a lot of them for the Halloween party...


ANdy said...

NICE - we have a bunch this year but - alas the rains and weather have had even some of the cool gourds rotting on us.

Jeph said...

I've had one or two that weren't quite ready to harvest when I took 'em off the vine (or before they got knocked off by me or the dog). Oh well - there's still plenty!