Thursday, November 19, 2009

Loving the sausage...

So you know how yesterday I posted about roasting all those pumpkins AND making two batches of pumpkin bread (four loaves total!) AND the pumpkin/sausage/cream sauce? Well, hell, you don't think that's ALL I got done that particular day, do you!?!

See, it turns out I bought TWO packages of sausages - one sweet, one spicy. I'm only just getting into sausages and...

What?'ve got 5 seconds to toss out all your gay/sausage jokes.


tic toc....

Times up!

Anyhow, I've only just been getting into sausages, realizing that while yes, there's some I don't like for their flavor, not ALL are the same. I think it's the anise thing many have that I don't like? Thanks to mom and dad's neighbor a couple years ago, I learned I DO like the sweet and the spicy Italian sausages when cooked a loooong time. So thanks to Laurie I have a recipe that combines sweet and spicy sausage in one dish. I opted to do the same with the pumpkin sauce recipe. SOOOO - buy a 1lb package of each kind of sausage, split each in half, and make two different recipes!

The sausages were cooked basically from the recipe on the back of one of the labels, which is very similar to Laurie's recipe I believe. It's just a combination of canned tomatoes/tomato sauce/puree (whatever you have), a bit of sugar, some bell peppers, onion, and some seasoning....

Once you let that cook all afternoon, the sausages get nice and mellow, while still maintaining a good texture and flavor!

Just like the pumpkin sauce picture, this one didn't show up great...but the dish? YUM!


Sharon Andy Holderman said...

peeshaw - you have been into sausages for years.

well under my 5 seconds :)

The Critics Corner said...

That looks great......made it down here in Olean too.....

Jeph said...

It's good stuff!