Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chocolate Popcorn!

Ever have a recipe that, as soon as you see it, you KNOW you're going to have to try making it REEEEEALLY soon?

That happened to me when I saw this recipe for hot chocolate popcorn balls. Only, upon reading the recipe the "hot" part didn't appeal to me too much - I wasn't sure I wanted the cayenne pepper in the popcorn, yet I knew I wanted to try chocolate popcorn, especially since we'd just seen some for sale at West Side Market a week and a half ago...

After popping up a bunch of plain popcorn kernels in our popcorn popper (I started with a cup of unpopped popcorn - that makes A LOT of popcorn!), I dumped them in a giant mixing bowl and got to work on the candy coating. As soon as I put the regular Hershey's cocoa powder in with the other ingredients I wondered what it would've been like if I had instead used the Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder we have!? Arrrrgh!

Good thing one recipe of the candy coating wasn't enough for all that popcorn! So I had to make a second batch, and as I stirred it in the popcorn I was glad I added the darker cocoa to the second batch - you could just see the difference!

Turns out this is seriously good tasting stuff! But to answer the one question I was asked a few times, yes, the popcorn DOES lose some of it's crispness in the process. When I left it out to air dry on the counter yesterday evening it seemed to crisp up, but the act of storing it in containers softens it again. I might have to see if I can't find a recipe that results in a crisper end result - like maybe with less corn syrup?

Oh, and no way was I forming a bunch of balls with this! Instead I just crumbled it up into chunks for snacking on.


Kris said...

Holy cow that looks like yummy stuff! Don't eat it all at once. Save some for after digging out after this next storm a-comin'...

FinnyKnits said...

That's just naughty.

Jeph said...

It went over really well at work!

Kris - so far there's not that much snow. I wonder if we'll get hit really hard later today/tomorrow.

Finny - I think you like the naughty stuff.