Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Spring display in the front yard

Here's a crabapple and redbud showing off in the front yard. I've notice people looking at either our house or landscaping when they walk/bicycle by lately. I really hope it's not for bad reasons, and is instead because of all the stuff in bloom!

From the point of view of the street, if you're looking at that redbud, you're also seeing a flowering weeping cherry just wrapping up, and entangled with some of its branches a lilac has just begun blooming.


anne marie in philly said...

pretty! we have some of the red trees around the hood, but I never knew what they were called.

Betsy said...

I have no doubt they are enjoying the pretty, Jeph. I gawk at yard displays everywhere I go in admiration and also "window" shopping. Here's hoping I don't smash my car some spring.