Thursday, April 02, 2009

Blackest Night

OMG OMG OMG! With so many titles/storylines turning to crap in comics these days, one thing that has MANY fans hoping around in excitement is Jeff John's "Blackest Night" Green Lantern spin-off limited series, due out later this week. Basically, it's a DC super powered zombies thing, tied into the whole "emotional spectrum" concept of the Green Lantern power rings (and now we have red, yellow, pink and blue, with orange coming out any time now, and a couple other colors down the road....with black representing the dead). So this is something that's gonna bring back a bunch of dead characters, and they're gonna be eeeeeeevil!

The new DC Comics blog has posted some teasers... Here's Super-someone. I think it's Superman from Earth-2, but there's a chance it could be Superboy/Kon-El. Who knows.

And here's an interesting one! Aquaman hasn't been seen in the DC Universe for quite sometime, and everytime a new writer takes him on, they totally change the concept. Well now we're seeing that, gee, he's been dead!? Who knows what the back story's gonna be on this one!

Yup, definitely eager for this!


Nice to see StevieB said...

Don't tease me about the chance it could be Superboy/Kon-El. I've been hurt before.

Jeph said...

LOL They've screwed everything up with the Superboy character so bad! And the Titans/Teen Titans. Y'know what I really miss? Young Justice! That was REALLY good stuff!!! Did you ever read it? Granted, I think the redesign of Superboy between YJ and Teen Titans was a bit extreme, but then over time I really grew to like the new, hunkier version!! >;-)

Maureen Lerch said...

OMG! I think you and my husband share a brain. Some day if we ever meet you'll have to come worship at our green lantern museum, a.k.a. our den... I'll pass this on to Richard, although I'm sure he's already got this on his pull list.

Jeph said...

LOL Maureen. And is your husband watching for any bits of news on the plans for the live-action Green Lantern movie? Let's hope they don't screw it up!

Looks like there was just a release of new info on Blackest Night tie-ins and such this weekend:

Maureen Lerch said...

Thanks for the link, Jeph! Richard remembers hearing rumors, but now he's really excited. Oh, no... This means there will be lots of tv-tie-in action figures, huh? Lord, help me!

Jeph said...

OH yeah, they're definitely doing the action figure thing for Blackest Night. In fact, people were upset months ago when there was a sneak preview ad of some of the action figures being released which revealed a big death (which, if I remember correctly, MIGHT not have happened yet?).

So your husband's big into action figures? I still have my Red Tornado and Firestorm ones floating around somewhere....and some of the current stuff looks really cool, but that's a road I definitely don't need to go down! ;-)