Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring Blooms

More pictures taken before the crappy weather we had this past week...

I recently posted concerns about my weeping cherry budding out just as our temperatures dropped and we even had some snow. LUCKILY the cold weather didn't seem to do the flower buds any harm:

Go on - stick your nose in there - they smell nice!

And out in the front yard - the eastern red bud is starting to bud finally! I was a little concerned it wasn't going to flower this year, and it still doesn't seem to have as many buds as it did last year...but I'll be patient. It's still doing it's thing, so there may be more buds yet to come!

These poor daffs along the front of the house are having a hard time keeping their heads up!

The daffs out closer to the street are a bit more sturdy.

A couple days later, with drearier skies, and the weeping cherry is still looking goooood!

I love having patches of hyacinth around the yard. While I can't cut them and bring them in the house without getting a killer headache, I DO like catching a whiff of them when the breeze passes by! SO NICE!

Here's Doogie inside, checking out the daffodils!


the ginger tabby said...

lovely spring photos!

Dragon said...

Your gardens are lovely. :)

Jeph said...

Thanks guys!!! :-)