Monday, June 05, 2006

The Chocolate Crinkle Recipe

Since I had a few requests for this, I give you (drum roll please) The Chocolate Crinkle Recipe! I'm copying this out of the Grothusen Family Cookbook (dad's side of the family) that mom contributed the recipe to yeeeears ago - that way you'll get her comments. THEN I'll post my ammendments/corrections - namely the fact that mom neglected to include the baking instructions. If you Google, you'll find the same recipe online - but here it is from our family to yours! Enjoy!

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies
1/4 cup cooking oil
4 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
Powdered sugar
Mix together the cooking oil, melted chocolate, vanilla, sugar and eggs - adding one egg at a time. Then add the salt, flour and baking powder and mix. Chill for several hours. Roll into balls then roll the balls in powdered sugar. Bake on a greased cookie sheet. This recipe came from a California neighbor of the Remleys, 20 years ago. The cookies are so good, they've become a holiday tradition in their family.

Jeph's Notes:
  • Bake them at 375F for 8-12+ minutes - depending on the size of the cookie and how cold the dough is. I know that time is vague... I was using a little 2 tsp ice cream scoop, and it took 10 minutes for each tray.
  • I use parchment paper instead of greasing the sheet these days.
  • You can freeze the dough balls after rolling them in powdered sugar - works just fine. Thaw them on the cookie sheet a few minutes before baking.
  • So good and tastey and easy, even Sharon could make these!


Stunned Donor said...

Thanks for the recipe! I make something similar, but there's cocoa powder in the batter and chocolate chips as well. I'll try yours out after the air conditioning guy fixes my A/C. (never buy a house that is almost twenty years old with no upgrades!)

Dirty Fingernails said...

These look divine.. Thanks for sharing the recipe..

Jeph said...

Weeding - Thanks for the feedback! I just hopped over to your blog and chimed in on the smoothie thread...

Steven - you'll have to let me know how the two recipes compare. I'm always surprised to find pretty different recipes for some presumeably distinct cookies out there - like the family cookbook has two different Snickerdoodle recipes... These are Snickerdoodles people - shouldn't there be ONE way to make them? Heh heh....

Peter said...

Jeph, do you like ginger? I have my Mum's ginger cookie recipe that has some similarity. If interested, I'll write out and send along!

Stunned Donor said...

I'm nuts about ginger!

Jeph said...

I love ginger snaps - is it that sort of ginger cookie?!?!! Definitely send it! YUM!

Peter said...

Chewier than ginger snaps, and crinkly too!

I'll send it soon. Nag me if I forget!

Jeph said...

Nag nag nag...

Stunned Donor said...

nag nag nag nag nag nag nag

Jeph said...

Nag nag NAAAAG nag nag.

Man, will he EVER post it!?

Stunned Donor said...

What a flake.

Jeph said...

LOL I'm sure he's going to kill us.

"Peter? Why does this recipe call for a half cup of arsenic?? Well...ok, if you SAY so..."

Peter said...

Bitches, please! I have important things to do, you know. Like be at work. Or get my pre-vacation hair cut. Or take two buses home because one just isn't special enough today for some darn reason!


Peter said...

Jeph, interesting new photo there. You're looking ever so, um, pink!


Stunned Donor said...

excuses, excuses.

Peter said...

Posted to my own blog!

Now get off my frickin' back!


Jeph said..., nah, won't go there.

And yeah, was playing around with the new webcam. The pic isn't exactly one I'll keep here, but it's fun. I was using it to make naughty hand-near-mouth gestures for Sharon... I expect she'll love finding those in her mailbox at work tomorrow! >:-)

Peter said...

Maybe one of the hot, sweaty, dusty, straw-covered ones from the garden? Shirt off and glistening, of course!


Jeph said...

LOL Nope, didn't have the camera then. And trust me, I wouldn't be trying to take pics of myself like that! (Shirtless that is... Covered in dirt and straw, yeah, probably would!)

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.