Sunday, August 06, 2006

Pool Day - the daytime edition

Larry and Randy's pool party yesterday was quite a bit of fun. See Brett getting excited:

And here's Dave tolerating the camera.

Once Dave thinks you're NOT taking any more pictures, he really hams it up! (Ok, I'm kidding - he knew I was taking this pic...)

The kids were having a blast riding around on each others shoulders, even after we stopped the very brief game of chicken.

Hey, what's that down there?

There's something coming up underneath us!


Brett and the tower of children (starring Kyle and Tyler)

Brett later told me, when seeing this picture, he'd realized he was too close to the edge of the pool. They could've toppled right on out of there!

And here's how you quickly unload a couple of kids when they're getting too heavy!

More human totem pole pics:

Oopsie daisy!

And this is why we can never have kids of our own - Brett likes to just throw kids around all day:

Time to reverse the roles:

Kyle's strong enough to lift a full grown adult!

Annnnd he learned how to get rid of one!

Buddy's just waiting for burgers!

I'm pretty sure Kyle was throwing Tyler around here...

Our grill master, Larry:

Randy, our other host...

Dave's hypnotized by flashy lights...he's like a moth to a flame when there's an LED that's viewable.

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