Friday, September 22, 2006

Halloween of Yesteryear

Halloween's just over a month away, and we're already getting asked if we're having our annual party. I don't know - I really WANT to, but what if we end out having some real estate activity then!??! Plus Brett thinks he'd like a year off (I can work around that...) ;-)Anyhow - I think these are from our second year together? Weren't we cute together!!? I love doing the costumes that require a little too much of the makeup and props...altho all that faux chest fur made me look pudgey in the chest.

And finally the horns were falling off. I think I finally just superglued them to my forehead - worked great! :) Posted by Picasa


Peter said...

The guy in blue in the first shot does not seem to be having a very happy time of it, alas!

Jeph said...

That's Randy - not sure what was going on there... Randy's always happy!