Friday, September 22, 2006

Fat Wonder Woman

I gotta say I LOOOOOOOVE the Fat Wonder Woman Blog - it makes me want to just skip and jump along all happy! (Ok, well maybe this one doesn't look all THAT happy!?)

This Wonder Woman's having a great time - feeling all happy and innocent and into herself...but not in a narcissitic way. Hm. Upon closer inspection she MIGHT actually be trying to lure someone a young school girl flirting with the boys. Yup, that's WW right here - "Hiiiiiii Batman!!!! Hee hee!"

And if I remember ANYTHING from my Psychology classes in high school, she's pointing her [large, voluptuous] breasts outward as far as she can, and she's pointing out the palm of her hand towards the one she wants. DEFINITELY flirting!

Anyhow, the Fat Wonder Woman blogs takes submissions from artists to show their versions of a large-and-in-charge Wonder Woman - all in fun. Usually when you think of Wonder Woman (assuming you ever think of Wonder Woman), you think of her as a greek goddess on Earth - the perfect woman, someone most women would strive to be, an expert in many fields of study and physical prowess. Plus she's got that KICK ASS invisible jet (and you know you want one!)!

Granted, even a fat Wonder Woman would still be Wonder Woman. Sure she might have some back fat hanging out even more than the overflowing cups in the front. Yeah, she might be squeezed into those metal bracelets/armbands. And she might be so big that she's sporting a little muffin top over the blue and white shorty shorts.... But she's still Wonder Woman - a goddess on Earth just waiting to kick your ass, tie you up in her golden lasso, and make you spill every thought you've been keeping secret to yourself... No lying! C'mon - she's Wonder Woman!


the ginger tabby said...

I love it - that's succulence at it's best!!

Jeph said...

LOL Now you make her sound like a tastey piece of fried chicken!

Mmmmm..fried chicken - now that sounds good! And if I eat too much, I'll be looking like her!

Peter said...

I'm a little weirded out by it - it seems to be fetishizing morbidly obese women, and doesn't the US already have a problem with obesity? Granted, I haven't looked at the blog yet, and it may be all in fun, but it still doesn't get across a healthy (no, not model-thin) body-image.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you know, I could look just about like that for your next Halloween party...

Jeph said...


After the ulta-high-fat mac and cheese recipe Brett asked me to make for this evening's dinner, so could I! Hello! I'd gotten down to 158lbs a couple weeks ago - up to 163 this weekend. I know it's not a BIG difference...but that's the trend/average, not just a one day thing. Better start being careful!

Anonymous said...

Feels like the first time... pinch pinch faster faster

Jeph said...

Mary - I have NO idea what you're doing. Are you quoting that song, "feeeeels like the fiiiiirst time"?? LOL You've gotten downright CRAZY since you left us! ;-)