Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Way behind on posting...

Since I last posted:
  • There's been plenty of good cooking

  • Preparation for the big Halloween party

  • The Halloween party itself (tons of pics for that coming soon - including the first annual Tortured Barbie trophy made by Brett - wait'll you see the trophy, and who won first place in our costume contest!)

  • Nearly $700 in medical bills for Tucker, including an overnight stay in the 24/7 emergency animal hospital... Things seem ok for now, but he doesn't like medicine!

  • Another Heroes episode!

  • Did I mention plenty of cooking?

  • Peter going into surgery this morning to get his appendix removed - keep him in your thoughts, and cross your fingers all went well! (Hey, he just got back from like six days in Hawaii, and the surgery was planned, so I don't have TOO much sympathy for him! ;-)

...and more! So, yeah, I know I'm behind on posting...I'll remedy that soon, covering all the topics above. And SPEAKING of behinds - check out this one I was naughty enough to snap a picture of while walking in to work from lunch today! Hey, it's not my fault the guy was a MAAAAJOR hottie and dressed in those loose fitting sweats like that! He was just begging for attention! Wish the picture was more revealing/clear... (And no, I'm not normally in the habit of snapping shots of strangers in public like that these days - but I might have to do more of it since I work on a university with lotsa hot guys!)

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to relax with a little World of Warcraft before going to bed in a short while. Don't suppose anyone else here plays World of Warcraft!? These games would be so much more fun if I played with someone I knew!


Anonymous said...

Well yesterday's heroes episode made my head spin.. So full of suspense and intrigue.. The harder I try to figure it out the more confused I become.. Any new thoughts about who is what where and why.. But that strangling through the body was bizarro.. I wish we lived close to each other and could watch it together to feed off of ideas.. I drive my hubby nuts with what do you think questions...

Peter said...

Look, I'm recovering from frickin' surgery and I'm getting posts up, so get off your duff and get some done. Even if they're just cat photos! But really, hot Brett photos are preferred!