Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yappy Hour

Brett works at Huntington Bank in Kent - there's a new branch that opened out in Macedonia (where we got to the "good theater" for movies) earlier this year, and they were having a special event this past Saturday morning. Various pet rescue/adoption services came out with cats and dogs needing new homes, a lady who sells special organic/fancy pet food set up, an organization was giving rabies shots and doing free chipping was there, etc. They also had a radio station out there, a couple photographers, clowns with balloon sculptures, and more!

Huntington employees (and the loved ones they could rope into joining them!) were asked to volunteer to help with the set up, hand outs, events etc, as well as directing visitors inside to set up new accounts. Folks got to bring their pets for a costume contest as well (this was like a couple dozen dogs and one cat!).

I won't go into the lack-of-organization that made some parts a bit of a mess - overall it was a real success, really got Huntington's name out there, made more people aware of the various pet adoption/rescue services, helped a lot of pet owners get their dogs chipped, etc. It was a lot of fun!

Brett and I were supposed to man the table where people signed up for the costume contest, but with the, eh hm, lack of organization we really weren't told what to do, so we sort of took liberty at making sure stuff was done where we could. Brett helped march Mister Noodles, a rott-and-?? mix, around to introduce him to people and tried to find him a home, while I handed out dog food bowls and foam dog-shaped hats to people and got 'em signed up for stuff, found answers to miscellaneous questions people had, etc.

Here's a few pics from the event taken on my cell phone (so focus isn't so great, sorry):

Crowd shot during a lull

Brett really didn't need to hold Mr Noodles' leash -
he wasn't going anywhere while the pet masseuse
worked him over!

Brett and Mr Noodles showing off their matching Huntington shirts - cute!

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