Friday, September 14, 2007

My big beautiful pepper

There's something I've been watching in my garden for a couple months now. I've touched it alot, given it little squeezes, made sure it was well watered during heat waves, and left it alone no matter how much it tempted me.

(No, not those muffins in the background - more on those real soon!)

This is my Super Heavyweight pepper. I grew these last year out at the rental plot and had NO peppers from them! This year we've been eating most of them green because that's how Brett prefers to eat peppers - he doesn't like them sweet/ripe. But, by golly, I'm gonna have one the way it's intended and the way I want it! So I saved the biggest, healthiest looking one and left it alone - checking periodically to make sure there was no chance for rot or bug problems.

I would've left it a little longer - as you can see there's still a touch of green to it - but Brett's folks were coming for dinner, and I was making a black bean/corn/tomato/bell pepper salad (turned out really good - Linda thought she would hate it, and had SECONDS AND had some to go home!). So it was time for my Super Heavyweight to make the ultimate sacrifice.

And boy did it taste good!

Oh, and btw - just so you realize HOW big it was, here's my incredibly large and masculine hand to put things into perspective.


Anonymous said...

That little thing? I've got some twice that size!!! Actually, I do have some larger, but half my plants are for the shorter, blockier variety. Those turn bright red when ripe and I've actually had a couple make it to red this year. Usually the bugs or rot get them first. Must be a good year for peppers. The variety I have that produces the larger ones really have made some big peppers this year - some probably 7-8" long, but a bit more skinny. None of those have made it to red yet this year.

Sharon Edwards/Holderman said...

that is beautiful and looks so yummy. i love non-green peppers, especially to eat raw. they have yummy flavor. are you sad it's gone?

Peter said...

It looks utterly puny compared to your incredibly large and masculine hand.


Nah, I'd be pleased to get to use that pepper in my kitchen. For that matter, your incredibly large and masculine hands would be put to good work in my kitchen as well!