Sunday, September 30, 2007

Time for a haircut!

No, not me - the lawn! It's been in for one month now, and wow, it's starting to get shaggy! Some areas are REALLY tall, while others are a bit sparse. Since some of the grass was so long, and you're not supposed to cut more than a third of it's height at any time, I decided to go a bit sparse with the first mowing - about 4inches high. I figure I'll mow again next weekend, and bump it down to maybe 3 1/2 inches.

Gee, don't I look butch!?

Clearly, Brett was working hard TAKING PICTURES (and video!) while I was out working my ass off! ;-) After the mowing I used the remaining grass seed to reseed all the bare spots one last time, and then did a very light follow up application of starter fertilizer (dad's suggestion). I'll hit it with winterizer fertilizer in a month or so - it's still very warm right now (supposed to hit 80 a couple times this coming week!)

After the lawn work I finally planted the red bud in the front yard, along with the new creeping phlox I bought last week. Still not 100% certain the gifted maple tree is going where I have the pot heeled in right now. Got several drive-by/walk-by complements from various neighbors while I was working in the front lawn (on the landscaping/lawn - not on me!). Unloaded a couple more cart loads of top soil into the first L-shaped bed I've put in the backyard (needs more), and then put about 9 more cart loads into the second raised bed, which I planted with kale, swiss chard, spinach, peas, carrots, and beets - all were seeds except the green kale. I figure it might be too late to get some of these things started, but this is me learning...

The third raised bed is super low priority for filling - I want to get another L-shaped bed tilled in and add more top soil/manure to the existing beds, plant all the shrubs/perennials, plant the blueberry bushes (arriving next week), get a pine tree of some sort for the front, and, y'know, I'm really tempted to install some split rail fences in the two L-shaped beds (mostly for decoration, partly to create some "rooms" in the backyard, and also to maybe grow grapes on next year?) - but I think that's a job for spring!


the ginger tabby said...

I think you need to get yourself one of those fancy tractor mowers, Jeph :)

Jeph said...

Brett said I wasn't allowed to have one. :( (Don't think I didn't ask! ;-)

the ginger tabby said...

You're not allowed to have one? What kind of boyfriend is he (if not one to buy gifts)? ;)

Jeph said...

It was determined to be "way more than we ever need" for our size yard. And then there's the expense!

And actually, we weren't talking about the tractor-pulled kind, but rather one of those standard rider mowers, or even the fast, turn-on-a-dime landscaper mowers. So if both of those got ruled out, I'm sure the tractor-pulled kind would also get ruled out (since we'd also have to buy the tractor!) ;-)