Thursday, October 04, 2007

Brett's Birthday Get-Together

Better late than never on this post, right? Warning, while it's about Brett's birthday, you'll find it's more like A Bajillion Pictures of Jay - but we (I) were (was) having fun...

First off - any idea what this is?

No, it's not someone needing a quick trip to their doctor or urologist. It's the beginnings of a red velvet cake. Looks gross, hunh?

So I kept letting Brett think he was going to get a nice, calm, relaxed, quiet birthday - and after he got his gifts that morning, he was really appreciating the zero plans - meant he'd get to play with his new toys more.

Toooooo bad - seems we're always telling the other this kinda stuff but still having the guys over (or some other big event) for each other's bday. In this case, it was just some of the guys getting a chance to see the new house for the first time. Dave had already come over a few times, but we've made some progress since he'd last been over. And sadly, Larry couldn't come with Randy since he had to work - we'll get him over soon enough.

Brett was playing with his new toys and drinking Hulk Juice (his own concoction - Diet Sprite and vodka I believe?), while I was secretly preparing dinner - I had a bunch of chicken breasts pounded and marinating, threw a bunch of potatoes and sweet potatoes in the oven early, and was shucking corn while he was dabbling with his new iPod Touch. Then the doorbell rang and it was Randy. Time for fun! Randy and Jay got the tour. Didn't take anyone outside to see the yard work while it was still daylight - that'll happen next time I guess. Dinner was really good. Then we had cake.

These pictures are making me realize we SERIOUSLY need to hang art on the walls! Here's Brett showing Jay the iPod.

Randy being all cheeky!

I forgot Jay took these of us. Aw, happy couple! (And if you notice meds in these pics, Brett was showing off his blood pressure pills. We're all getting old, y'know!)

Mmmm cake - really, really red cake!

At first I was getting the stink eye for taking so many pics, but then it got fun...

These are some great pics of Jay - this next one is a personal fave!

We should totally be working on a personal ad for Jay with these!

Here's more what I'm used to - "Shut that **** camera off!" LOL

Dave looking all suaaaaave here... OR contemplating killing someone! ;-)

Anyhow, we had a fun nite with the guys - so glad they could come over and help celebrate Brett's birthday!

On a side note, Randy ended out being admitted for appendicitis just a few nights later, had surgery, and was home emailing while on vicodin the very next day! SO glad our buddy is safe and sound (minus his appendix!).


Peter said...

Great photos! Jay looks really terrific in them

You know, I don't think I've ever had a red velvet cake. Hmmm.

the ginger tabby said...

Those are some fun, playful pics of Jay!