Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A walk around the yard...

Took these pictures Sunday I believe... Here's one of the lettuce beds, where I planted a bunch from seed (including some VEEEEERY old seed). Not every variety came up, so I'd just finished cramming in some of the more mature lettuce I'd started earlier in the basement. They're already starting to look more settled in and putting out some new growth. Interplanted with the lettuce is broccoli.

Red and white sure go well together, and the little hot-spots of gold-rimmed-yellow just perk it up more!

I always thought I wasn't fond of the fingery-looking Japanese maples. I received this one as a freebie along with a mail order last fall, and it's really taken up a spot in my heart - I hope it makes it. It was looking a bit scrawny awhile back, but given some fish emulsion and more regular waterings, and perhaps just the warmer weather, it's really perking up.

With dinner tonite will be this head of romaine. There are two of these - and they were growing in the *verbena* that I started from seed! Did the verbena come with some lettuce seeds, or did I somehow scatter what I was doing? The thing is, these two heads of lettuce are WAY more mature than any of the others I've grown!

And here's a study in the contrasts of light and dark...in the form of lettuce.

Red-veined spinach. Can't wait for these to mature. While I doubt it'll taste any different, the pics in the catalog were too tempting to resist!

Two colors of grape hyacinth...

These look kinda sad...

Really loving coleus varieties!

The peppers and geraniums survived their potting up and are doing great. They're still the cold frame (which, unfortunately, is still on the deck!)

Ballet of waterbugs on the pond...

A couple of iris, I believe from Mary?

1 comment:

Andy said...

Very refuge camp looking :)