Thursday, June 12, 2008

An army of red...

After the white 2-tier cake and the yellow cupcakes, next were the red velvet cupcakes...

The main cake will have a center of red flowers. Up for consideration: geraniums, begonias and gerberas - oh my!

While the geraniums aren't as full as I was hoping, and look kind of wimpy, begonias took me by surprise and lend a nice, lush feel...

And then at Evergreen nursery, just a short ways from us, the lady suggested I also consider gerbera daisies. I figured they just came in oranges, yellows and pinks - so she showed me the reds and they really won me over. Since, weather permitting, Sharon and Andy will be getting married in a field with a beautiful country view, I wondered if this might not add to that nice "pastoral feel"...

And not knowing Sharon's second color is yellow, the lady at Evergreen suggested pairing the red gerberas with yellow gerberas. HM! After finding a few with the right shade of yellow, and making sure they weren't too golden (I HOPE! Sharon?), I snagged a couple of these as well to see what Sharon thinks.

I feel so freaking gay right now. Dude, I'm "gaying-up the ocean!"


FinnyKnits said...

Oh red velvet cupcakes, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

Also, I don't see any Tuna salad with chard here?


the ginger tabby said...

I just came back from a friend's wedding where they served tiered cupcakes instead of wedding cake. Declicious! They had white and chocolate cupcakes with what tasted like butter cream icing in chocolate and vanilla. Each cupcake was topped with a sugar flower. Mmmm.

Jeph said...

ROFL Finny - I think you found the chard salad!

Jeph said...

Tabby - Apparently cupcakes for weddings are all the rage these days?! And I know there's more stores popping up where cupcakes are the focus. There's one not TOO far from us that I want to try sometime - although I'm sure I'll balk at paying whatever crazy price they want for a cupcake. Oh well - it's partly the experience! :)

We ALMOST went with sugar flowers for the wedding cake, but ruled them out and went live.