Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Don't make this at home kids!

Cindy sent me this recipe recently, asking if I thought it would work. Considering the instructions, the baking container, and the baking technique, I was too tempted NOT to try it. Plus with the NAME of the recipe? HELL YEAH!

aka The Most Dangerous Cake Recipe

Add the following dry ingredients to coffee mug, and mix well.

4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa

Ok, I can do that.

Then add one egg. Cool. Gross looking, but cool.

Then mix in 3 tablespoons milk and 3 tablespoons oil and mix well. NOW we're looking good!

Add a small splash of vanilla (yum) and 3 tablespoons of (optional) chocolate chips (I passed on these guys for the first time). Stick 'er in a 1000 watt microwave and nuke 3 minutes. Wow - what're the odds my microwave was 1000 watts? Cool. Ok, here goes...

Hm, nothing yet.

I think it took less than a minute to start getting some height on it. By 2 minutes (you can see we're counting down here) it was as tall as it was going to get. The cake is supposed to rise up over the edges of the mug, but don't worry - by then it's set enough and didn't spill out. (Plus I made sure to pick the biggest damn mug we had!)

Once the microwave stopped, it settled back down instantly. You're to let the cake cool a little first (bastard's HOT!), and then you can eat it out of the mug or tip it out on a plate.

Considering how it looked IN the mug, I had to see what the rest of it looked like!

And apparently I was too lazy to rotate this pic - sorry about that. Don't worry - it didn't fall off the plate. I would have to say this looks like fun-but-gross food. That's before I tasted it!

LOOKS like cake! DENSE, and a bit (sorry Sharon and Finny) moist, but cake nevertheless...
(It seems many girls don't like the word "moist". Moist. MOIST MOIST MOIST. I don't see anything wrong with it. MOIST)

Annnnnyhow - if you ask me, this recipe maybe needs the addition of some sort of leavening agent (do eggs count?) - something to lift it up a bit more. And maybe the chocolate chips (perhaps mini chips?) would've greatly improved it. I guess DO try this (you're really not using much of any one type of ingredient), and dabble with it and let me know how it turns out for you. I don't know that I'll be making it again, but it WAS fun!


FinnyKnits said...

Sick bastard with your moist micro cake.

I have seen this moving through the blogosphere and have been tempted. But then I realize I have zucchini to use and should just make that chocolate zucchini cake.

Also, my microwave is evil and would probably eat it itself. He is a sick bastard, too.

Jeph said...

LOL I've SERIOUSLY got to be making some zucchini cake or brownies or whatever pronto. I'm down to like one zucchini (and have more yellow summer squash on the way). Do you ever use the yellows in place of the greens for recipes like this? I figure they're both such neutral flavors, but they ARE different flavors as well...