Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Why X-Box Sucks...

X-Box came out with a totally revamped interface last week - and to be honest, I'm not really fond of it. It seems overcomplicated, adding many more clicks to get to what you want, and it feels almost like they're trying to be more Wii-like, adding new Mii-like avatars. Maybe I'm just bothered because I don't think I translate well to the world of avatars. Brett, on the other hand, is cute (as always).

Here's Brett working the blue steel pose...

Here he is feigning excitement about something...

And here he is just showing off his cute butt!

Work it, honey!


Sharon Andy Holderman said...

it's just like what people said about Vista in the beginning - more clicks to get everywhere!

Jeph said...

And Vista came full of bugs, bogged everything down, had tons of issues (all this after being delayed for so long), and hasn't even been out all that long and they're planning to replace it with Windows 8 late next year from what I hear.

Jeph said...

And hey - you didn't comment on how cute Brett is!

Peter said...

She's letting me do that. And yeah, he is.

There, the token Brett-lust for today.

So, where is your avatar? Let's see how it turned out!

Jeph said...

Eh, I don't really like mine - it's not good for the self-image.