Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Deep Snow Doogie!

Clearly I'm not the only one who loves all this snow we've been getting! After work and some errands today it was time to take the pooch out for some REAL fun! While I was shoveling a path off the deck, and finding the steps in all the snow, so he could keep going out into the yard, he managed to find a tennis ball he'd taken out with him earlier. Hm... Tennis ball + lots of freezing temps = brain freeze I guess:

Doogie had a blast - I'd throw the ball, it would disappear into the pristine smooth snow, and then he'd tear a path across the yard and dig it out of the snow.

Heck, he really didn't even need me - he just kept running around the yard with that damn ball in his mouth, then stopping to catch his breath. YOU try running around in snow that comes up to YOUR armpits!

Isn't he cute?!

I LOVE this next picture... Most of the time I couldn't see his legs when he was running, AND there was a lot of shoving his nose down into the snow - combine all of that with him running away from me, and well - you get this shot!

He must've thought there was something good under the snow here...

Zoooooom - here he comes!


And he's off again!

And back under again!

For all I know he was finding his own poop under the snow...


The smartest thing when he's got the puppy zooms is to NOT get directly in front of him!

And finally it was time to chill out. He perched up on top of one of the bails of straw out at the garden (one of the same FROZEN SOLID bails I walked straight into - doh!), and just did his cute thing...

Ok, are we done taking pictures!? I want to play some more!

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