Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy Holidays (now that they're over!)

Here's hoping you all had a great end to 2008 and brought in 2009 with lots of cheer (or even better, lots of relaxin'!)

I know I'm behind on posting... Over the next week I should be getting caught up and back on schedule, including more detailed entries for what we've been up to. Heck, just Christmas in NY was a blast.

It was Doogie's longest ride ever...

We had a ton of fun...

We learned some bad habits from friends...

We ate a ton of great food...

And had what I'd have to say was one of the most fun, and in some ways (see picture below), most beautiful Christmas Eves ever (thanks Andy & Kelli!)...


FinnyKnits said...

Your food display is making me hungry.

And also wistful for that time of year when we all just eat whatever we want "because it's the holidays".

*sigh* back to the grind.

Jeph said...

Time to dial back that calorie intake, right? :(

Andy said...

Thanks Jeph - it was great having you guys out... you, iBrett and iDog are always welcome!

And - following your inspiration - I'm getting my friggin rear in gear to update the holiday pics and posts too!

Jeph said...

LMAO iBrett and iDog - nice!!! I have to say though - their wireless doesn't have the best connectivity, and I find they run kinda slow sometimes.

Will be looking forward to your posts. I think you have a valid excuse for being behind schedule. Along with all the usual stuff, you guys have your roof fun!