Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sometimes the best dinner... breakfast!

So there was a night this past week where I decided we needed a change for dinner. I think things turned out pretty well!

The only way this could've been even better was with hashbrowns...but let's not get TOO crazy! And just in case anyone's worried about healthy diets, we split a sliced apple along with the rest of this dinner. ;-)


Peter said...

Replace the eggs with an equal quantity of maple syrup, and now we're talking yummy!

FinnyKnits said...

I'm with Peter - swap the eggs for maple syrup and I'm sold.

Eggs are filthy, filthy breakfast losers.

Jeph said...

This is really interesting guys - I honestly expected a comment like that from Sharon, but you two as well!? What's this hate for eggs that everyone seems to have?

Man, with as picky as Brett is, I guess I'm REALLY lucky he doesn't have anything against eggs!

the ginger tabby said...
