Thursday, October 08, 2009

Another Harvest

I hope you didn't think those last pictures of pumpkins were the last you were gonna see! OH NO! There's still more! After all those other pumpkins were cleared off the deck railing, I figured I'd better go pick more and line 'em up!

Turns out one of the Lumina pumpkins must not have cured enough, or been close enough to dropping off the vine - the stalk was constantly leaking a little clear fluid that the wasps and yellow jackets looooove. Check out the sort of white-faced "wasp" to the right of the stem.

And since I have so many of them this year, I can't have another pumpkin posting without more close ups of the peanut pumpkins, right?

Check out those cool textures!

Pumpkins aren't the only things I've been picking lately. Here's MOST of the small spaghetti squash that formed this year - there are still a few left, and those are all up growing on the deck railing. I don't remember now if something volunteered from last year's spaghetti squash (did I put seeds out for the birds?), or if I planted one on accident this spring? Either way, I have no complaints - these little guys are great!

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