Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dear Martha...

Why yes, I'd LOVE to find some vintage wooden cupboard that someone's just thrown out so I that I could repurpose it into the coolest ever mini-potting shed on the back deck. Now, um, where on earth do you think I'll find one of these?

I don't want to have to PAY for it...or if I do, it needs to be super cheap - otherwise I might as well be out there buying some over-priced, built-for-this-purpose potting table/storage area, right?

Unfortunately, I can pretty much guarantee you that I've never ever seen anything like this anywhere near where I've lived. Hell, they even have the annual "dump anything you possibly want to get rid of out on your curb" day, and trust me, it's junk. Sure, the scavangers probably get out there before the crack of dawn, whereas I'm just passing through on the way to work or whatever, but again, I doubt anything close to this is put out on the lawns in the Portage/Summit counties area!

Thanks Martha - once again you have me wanting something I can never possibly have. I love ya, but you suck.


Kris said...

ROFL! Martha lives in New England where apparently folks throw out 200-year-old antiques all the time. Or sell Federal chairs for like $5 at garage sales. All the good stuff stayed behind when the pioneers came through Ohio. Aren't we the ones who had to invent plywood and particle board? All we have to work with are glacier rocks from Canada. Ah well, makes us tough, builds character. Martha couldn't make it here....! LOL

Jeph said...

You're absolutely right!! Grrrr.... ;-)

Andy said...

I did find that Weber grill at the dump :) Ohh - wait - NY is in NE... sorry - Kris is right!

Jeph said...

Right - wrong state! ;-)